There has been many question on internet on how to write a code for secured username, email or url input. So , here is my code which is the best and secured way to take an input from user for Following Field :-
1. Username.
2. Email.
3. Link or URL.
If you would like to take an input as username, here is PHP code, along with HTML form.
Many Developer blindly trust Javascript for validation, this is the world's most stupid stuff you would do since you are developer. I always say, Server Side Validation is Must, Must and Must.
Here is PHP code :-
But Above FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL will also validate 'localhost' or other stuff, so not that accurate, I prefer my own Coded php function which i feel is better than FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL, though you may combine them and use them, it will be more simple and cool here is mine.
I leave this part as your homework. If not answered within a day, I will post the answer.
HINT: check email validation
1. Username.
2. Email.
3. Link or URL.
If you would like to take an input as username, here is PHP code, along with HTML form.
PHP Code:
<form metho="post" action="#">
<input type="text" name="username" placeholder="Enter Username.." />
<input type="submit" value"Submit" />
php// As we know, username can only have "alphabets from a-z or A-Z" and "digits" from '0-9' or '-,_,.'
//So, we will only accept above stuff
// If you see below code in internet anywhere,
// than it has been posted by me only until unless some faggot copies it and says his own.$input = "";$random = mt_rand(5,8);
function validate_username($input)
$allowed = array(".", "-", "_"); // you can add here more value, you want to allow.
if(ctype_alnum(str_replace($allowed, '', $input ))) {
return $input;
} else {
$input = "Invalid Username ".$random;
return $input;
}$username = isset($_POST['username']) ? validate_username($_POST['username']) : " ";
if(strpos($username, $random))
echo 'Please Enter only alphanumeric or ._- in username':
} else {// Process your code.}?>
Email Validation
Many Developer blindly trust Javascript for validation, this is the world's most stupid stuff you would do since you are developer. I always say, Server Side Validation is Must, Must and Must.
Here is PHP code :-
PHP Code:
<form method="post" action="#">
<label>Email :- </label>
<input type="email" name="myMail" placeholder="Enter Email.." />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
$email = isset($_POST['myMail']) ? $_POST['myMail'] : " ";
if(!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) )
echo "Invalid Email";
} else {
echo "Processing..";//Process your mail..}?>
PHP Code:
// In most of the cases, type=email will do, but it only checks if string has "@",
// we will go 1 step beyond than that and will see if such host exists or not.$email = isset($_POST['myMail']) ? $_POST['myMail'] : " ";$fire = explode("@", $email);$present = strpos($fire[1], '.');
if($present !== false) {
$semifinal = gethostbyname($fire[1]);
// I am checking only for IPV4 ip address.
$final = is_numeric(str_replace('.', '', $semifinal));
$check = strpos($semifinal, '.');
if($final) {
echo "Processing..";
// Process Email
} else {
echo "Invalid Email Address";
} else {
echo "We dont consider email with domain something like 'localhost' so please input something ";
URL Validation
I leave this part as your homework. If not answered within a day, I will post the answer.
HINT: check email validation